TwinTurbo.NET: Nissan 300ZX forum - Correct, for 96 SMZ's there are only 5.
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Subject Correct, for 96 SMZ's there are only 5.
Posted by Zeke21 on May 28, 2016 at 11:31 AM
  This message has been viewed 659 times.
In Reply To I think there were only 3-5 1996 SMZs produced posted by Aqualung on May 27, 2016 at 09:48 AM
Message My research has found there to be less than 60 for 95 models.

I've never come across a number higher than 95-055. There is one labeled 95-098 but the story I heard was the original owner wrecked his first SMZ and purchased another with the request for the 98 being some kind of favorite number and Millen provided the number. Odd story and not sure of its accuracy but mixing/playing with the number sequence isn't out of the ordinary for the SMZ program.

There are also two 94 models...used as test models. They are number 95-011 and 95-012. #12 is actually an automatic and I believe in a museum. #11 was purchased from Nissan corporate by a former employee years after the SMZ program ended. Whether there were prior test models, ie 02-10 is unknown. This is also why all the promotional material for the SMZ shows 94 painted bumpers vs 95-96.

95-001 is actually owned by Steve Millen...and is a 95 model. He must have kept the number plaque for himself.

And coming back to the 96 models...not even sure why they were commissioned...after all the purpose of the program was for the 25th anniversary in 95. But then again...Nissan was trying to boost sales as well. 96 models also got "SMZ" embroidered floor mats. 95 models did not.

Even the number badge changed in design at some point through production.

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